I’m now full of energy

Jill had ridden horses since childhood but after a riding accident 5 years ago, she had to give it up. “Thankfully no broken bones, but a few weeks later I started to get lower back pain. I shrugged it off at first but then the pain was more frequent and excruciating. I tried all kinds of pills, creams, physiotherapy, acupuncture, but nothing would give me long-term relief.
“My sister helped with daily chores when the pain was bad. She read an article about how the Bio Mag Bracelet helped some people with their joint pain, so she bought me one. As it was magnetic we were hopeful that it would help my back problems.
A week later I remember feeling really good and full of energy, then realised that I’d had no back pain all week. I didn’t put it down to the bracelet and thought it was probably a coincidence.
I’ve been wearing it for almost 5 months now and I’ve not had a single day of back pain. I truly believe that my back pain has vanished due to the powerful magnets in the Bio Mag bracelet. There is no way I am taking it off!”